Qualicum Vacation Rentals - Property Management Services

Qualicum Vacation Rentals offers comprehensive excellence in vacation rental management for the Qualicum Area.
You will benefit from a local team of professionals who manage and care for your vacation rental as they would their own.

We know you love your property and we will work with you to reach your goals.  We offer flexible management based on how you want to use your property and the goals you hope to achieve. 

Benefit from expanded online presence, experienced managers who know excellence, and our competitive dynamic pricing. We will list and manage your listings with industry-leading platforms including AirBnB, VRBO and Booking.com. We continuously scan the market to maximize your revenue: when the market is slower, we adjust prices to make your property the most attractive.  When the market is busy, we raise your prices.

Your guests will be well taken care of by Qualicum Vacation Rentals. With every new property, we will guide you to creating the most appealing and comfortable stay for your guests.  Benefit from experience. 

By working with Qualicum Vacation Rentals you are supporting the Qualicum Beach community through local employment.

We look forward to working with you, please reach out at qualicumvr@gmail.com

Svein & Mischa
Qualicum Vacation Rentals


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